I would like to offer you a recession proof business idea - whether or not you need it, it can be another string to your bow.
In these uncertain times, when governments are doing their best to prop up the economy and save jobs, here is a great opportunity to take matters into our own hands and add a very useful income stream, and be independent of government handouts, and the added bonus - it's a business that other businesses will need when the recovery gets under way. This is an opportunity to, ultimately, make $36,000 a month, with little overhead. The Product? A very inexpensive smartphone app – but more about that later. http://bit.ly/JG-SmartphoneApps A BIT OF STORY TELLING First, a parable. Years ago, a wise man related a story in his endeavour to explain compound interest to his grandson but found the effort more difficult than he had imagined. Now through the years this story has been altered many times but the essence of it, the reality of it, the simplicity of it has never changed and is as true today as it was back then. The grandfather attempted to explain to his grandson the benefits of investing and receiving compound interest and how the magic of compounding can literally, all by itself, make anyone with patience and determination wealthy. He first talked about investing just $1,000 at a very modest return of only 7% and how that $1,000 would double and how the investment would return interest compounded daily and how, in just seven short years that 7% compounded daily interest would turn that $1,000 into $2,000 with no effort on behalf of the investor. The young grandson was eager to obtain his own fortune like his grandfather had but was struggling with the concept. So... The grandfather offered this example... "Young man” he said, "If I offered you $1,000 in CASH now or just ONE CENT that would double in value every day - which would you rather have from me?" The grandson quickly answered, "Well, of course Grandpa, I'd much rather have the one thousand dollars now! Are you kidding?" To which the grandfather replied, "All right then, let me tell you what you will be giving up." "If you invest just one cent today, and I could show you how, if every day it doubles in value, in just 20 days it will be worth..." Do the maths with me... Day 1: 1 cent = 2, Day 2: 2 = 4, Day 3: 4 = 8, Day 4: 8 = 16, Day 5: 16 = 32, Day 6: 32 = 64 cents, Day 7: 64 = $1.28, Day 8: $1.28 = $2.56, Day 9: $2.56 = $5.12, Day 10: $5.12 = $10.24, Day 11: $10.24 = $20.48, Day 12: $20.48 = $40.96, Day 13: $40.96 = $81.92, Day 14: $81.92 = $163.84, Day 15: $163.84 =$327.68, Day 16: $327.68 =$655.36, Day 17: $655.36 =$1,310.72, Day 18: $1,310.72 = $2,621.44 Day 19: $2,621.44 = $5,242.88, Day 20: $5,242.88 = $10,485.76 $10,485.76! Wow! From just that first cent! ..and it doesn't even get interesting until near the end, around day 17. The power of the exponential curve. Now we can all see the obvious flaw in that story but leave that aside and embrace the principle. THE POWER IS IN THE MATRIX This company embraces a 2 x14 matrix that is FREE to join, but if you start straight off with an app purchase, only $14.95 a month. It is truly amazing. Even if you don’t immediately understand what I mean by that, do understand that that matrix can earn you over $36,000 every month, if you follow a very simple system. When you join, you will be joining on my personal team: http://bit.ly/JG-SmartphoneApps .... and you can join FREE! THE HOOK You can join for $14.95 (US) per month. That’s less than 50 cents per day, or about 1/8th the price of you daily café latte. You won't make anything just by joining but once you bring people into your network who spend money you will start to get a piece of the action. No cold calls, no meetings, no hassling family – just use email and social media the way that you always do in business. If you have an existing list, great! If don’t we can give you the tools – Yes – I said GIVE That is unheard of in most network marketing businesses. Many of them will tell you that you need to have "skin in the game", or "nothing is for nothing", well let me tell you that is short sighted thinking, when you grasp it, as I am sure that you already have. If I serve you and you serve another, we all benefit – a True Win-Win. We equip you with tools and we all benefit. DEBUNKING THE MYTH We have leaders that totally tip that theory on its head, and we give everyone the chance to make it. We believe that, if you do nothing you should earn nothing, but if you do something, then you should get some proportionate reward. We give everyone that chance, and we can, because we have such a brilliant product that is so needed in this era of smartphone use. We're in Good Hands Now, imagine having $36,353 plus change coming in MONTHLY just as a result in having a full matrix because you read this email today and sometime and hopefully in the not too distant future you too are there with me. Mike G, the CEO & founder of this program, is the only person in the world who has put more than 11,000 people, direct signups not downline, into a single network marketing program, and he has done this all through email marketing. No lists, no personal prospecting, no attending meetings, and all that jazz. I'm even told Mike G is also the only person in the world to have ever put more than 5,000 people into a network marketing program - and he's done that with TWO other programs. I don't say this to boast, I just want you to know the nature of the people whose team you will be on, and I'm on Mike's team. THE BEAUTY AND SIMPLICITY OF THE MATRIX Now I don't expect to do it all myself. Once you join make it your mission, make it your goal to put at least two of your own people - contacts, friends, associates, followers, and of the social media contacts you have... Just get two, share this story, tell them about the team that you are on, use this letter, just drop in your name, and your own link, it really is that simple. It is an amazing network marketing company all about making money in network marketing. This company believes as I do in the importance of multiple streams of income, and that's a further dimension that we can explain later. We are not selling soap or hope or useless widgets - we are out in front of the curve, with a smartphone app, that you could be using in your business to amplify your business. A no-brainer. Just believe that this is a multi-dimensional company and those other opportunities will open themselves up to you once you are in, and do a little bit of reading (and believe me, the FREE training that you will get in your back office is nothing short of magnificent). It has been years since I have been as interested/ optimistic, even excited!! as I am about this - simple but yet eloquent and powerful network marketing company and I'm going to get behind it and fold it into all of my sales funnels and marketing activities. You can stand idly by and watch my team grow, or you can get involved now for only $14.95 and be part of it in a significant way. Imagine earning money from me and those who I sponsor in the form of an automatic spill over - it will happen, it has to happen, the system is built that way. So, whatever you do, don't think of this letter as hype, don't think of this program as some pyramid scheme, (they have been gone for years) don't discount it because it's network marketing. Network marketing is a way for anyone who sells a service or product such as this program offers to make enormous sums of money for everyone. I don't care where you are in your personal "pyramid" you can add an impressive income stream to your portfolio. The internet is full of such stories, and this company, I assure you, will add to that list of people who become independently wealthy just because they took action and joined the right team at the right time for a very small investment. In these times of great economic uncertainty, it is a great idea to have more than one "string to your bow". ... and the product is something that we all use hundreds of times a day! It is patented and unique and we have full access to it. http://bit.ly/JG-SmartphoneApps Sincerely, John Gates Tap or click my link to learn how you can earn up to $36,353 (or more) per month inviting just 2 people (or less) into a $14.95 per month program! http://bit.ly/JG-SmartphoneApps P.S.: And yes, this is my affiliate link above, but even though I'm being compensated to tell you about this I wouldn't tell you under any circumstances if I didn't believe in it.
AuthorHi, I'm John Gates - hope you will join in and enjoy what we have to offer and maybe join our mailing list. Archives
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