Sometimes, late at night you do some of your best (or worse) work, depending on the wine .. here is one from last night. I thought it was time,
to write a rhyme ... No particular theme. no particular time, Just that, for some reason I'm wanting to rhyme.. Never done it before can't think why, It's not that hard, just a stage in my ... life! My lovely wife, wonders why I never gave it a try again .... life.. seems to get in the way, takes over your day, sunshine but no hay ...need to make some opportunities come, and go, and though we are busy we are also distracted. life's not that protracted that we can't redact some of our daily routines that are meaningless acts Disdain for routine, wonder why? getting older - new things to try before the bucket and its list run dry. Bucket list - now there's an idea. how many events in our crazy career, did we really miss out on? nearly .. really, ? Probably not many, if honesty's a thing, you navigate through life, you see what it brings, roundabouts and swings, mostly forks in the road, avoid the ghostly experiences, wherever you can tell yourself you've been your own man, ..... carried the can .. or was it the bucket nearly got that one to rhyme too, damn it. Dont think I'm able to jump out of a plane, get older, bloody vertigo, plays with your brain. even, it seems, if only in dreams. You know, those ones where you climb to the highest bit then you look down,... oh-oh, i think I'm ...for it! then you wake up, that was close .. ...nearly got that to rhyme, too .. This is becoming otiose. never mind the iambic pentameter that was a close and frightening parameter, ..whoops!, but I digress mind's scrambling, bit of a mess. Nevertheless...! motorbikes, need for speed, no, should have done that when I was sowing my seed a long time ago, before vertigo fast cars, never a thing happy to be prince, but never the king Horses, boats, gadgets, disdain for all but one majestic sport makes them all pall .. Early in life, discovered the magic. a lifelong Rugby tragic, played it, coached it, involved every way love it, and live it every day Knees are shot, brain is not, I think I'll take my writing skills out for a begrudging, limping trot. Write about anything, we've got plenty of time, Maybe some of it will rhyme. Time .... will tell ... [copyright John Gates 2019]
Basics of Private Label Rights - Its Importance and Its Implication in Internet Marketing
It is almost trite to say that the Internet has created many more business opportunities than before it came along. This is because, over its just 20 year lifespan the Internet has provided more viable means of disseminating information about products and business, than in the previous hundred. We hear people saying that traditional retail is dying and the internet is the way of the future. Partly right and partly wrong, because the traditional retailers are finding ways to fight back, making all of us more innovative and ready to adopt new ideas - a win-win all around. Many online entrepreneurs contend that for an online business to generate good income on the Internet, each entrepreneurs business must have its own product. This is because everything depends on someone selling something, whether it be a tangible product, a virtual product, an idea, a book, a song, a game or a concept and whether you can touch it and feel it, just picture it. But contrary to most popular beliefs, having your own product does not limit you to the many possibilities of earning more by using a "license" that is attached with an "information product" that you may acquire online. These are known as PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS Private label rights is just one of the three "basic rights" that are embodied in the concept of resale rights marketing. Among the three, private label rights are considered as the most moneymaking and rewarding. There are many authors and publishers out there who are happy for their work to be shared, for a fee, or free, and re-worked, with or without attribution/ It is a wonderful way of bootstrapping your business and using other peoples'work (legally) while you find time, ideas or money necessary to reproduce your own original work Private label rights are represented in a certificate or authorization that is attached with an "information item." The basics of private label rights is to permit people to transform, reorganize, change, or improve the elements of the said merchandise. For example, if you have a private label right, you can easily segregate the contents of an e-book, and persuade somebody to buy the contents as sequence of pieces of writing, so that you have a ready-made series of articles that you can use to provide your content. In addition, with private label rights, you can simply add, subtract, update, or append some information on the said product to make it more meaningful and creative, thereby creating an impression of having a product of your own. Best of all, you can even put your name to the work as the author. In this way, you do not have to acknowledge the primary author of the work, and you gain some credibility while, as I said before, finding the time, the money or the opportunity to produce your own wor. So for those who are not yet aware of the rewards of using private label rights, here is a list of some of the advantages: 1. It Will Establish Credibility We have all heard the saying "fake it til you make it"- PLR allows you to do just that, but legally With private label rights, you can easily acquire informative products that you can use as your own. Hence, this creates an impression that you are making your own product and that you are professional and skilled. 2. It Triggers Creativity One of the best things about private label rights is that you can be creative in a thousand and one ways. This is because you can assemble the different elements and come up with a new and near-original work without having any difficulty of creating such product. 3. Develop a Product! With private label rights, you can simply modify or improve a product. You can both cut back wasteful time by looking for products that are totally worthless or save more money by avoiding to create a whole new product. However, even if some people argue that it is unethical for a person to sell the private label rights for his creations, one cannot simply surmise the fact that engaging into this kind of activity is also beneficial to the seller especially if the product is already nearing the closing stages of its "market life." Soem products may be nearing the end of their useful or economic lives. By allowing other people to modify or enhance the features of certain products, the advancement of such products can continue to take place and the cycle goes on. Indeed, the basics of private label rights are useful to the individual and the whole market as well. This is because PLR is a whole system of a give and take relationship. Making Money With Private Label Rights When you buy a product with only the rights to resale, you only will have the authority to sell that product to others. However, when you buy a certain product with private label rights, then you not only have the authority to sell such product to others but also you will have the alternative ability to sell the “resale rights” for that same product. Meaning that certain individuals who bought from you the “resale rights” of that certain product in which you own the “master resale rights” will therefore get hold of the authority to sell such products to others. Purchasing “PLR” (private label rights) packages is inexpensive when compared to employing the service of a “ghost writer” to write articles or ebooks for you. On average, PLR articles costs between 10 – 20 cents, while a ghostwriter generally charges from $10 - $30 for one good quality article. You can usually modify or revise the article’s content in whatever way you want. For instance, when you purchased a package of say 30 articles on the subject of “Landscaping”, you can construct an original ebook out of all 30 articles and call it "Lisa’s 30 Quick Tips For Landscaping” and then sell it in Clickbank. You can also sell your very own ebook on eBay then produce affiliate sales or even lead traffic or prospects to your website through links included your book. Where the PLR package you purchased came in an ebook format already, you can separate the entire book into separate individual articles, where each article can be posted in your website, get spidered by search engines and bring more traffic. Likewise, you can use each articles’ first paragraph in an autoresponder follow-up series then incorporate a link directing prospects to the full article located in your website. Or put together two articles to create a special report that you can use as motivation or incentive so prospects will enroll for a newsletter. Here are guidelines on how to make money with private label rights: 1. Construct articles that will be displayed for your site. Affix your byline or resource box to all articles then publish them. Permit visitors to “republish” your articles in exchange for publishing also your “resource box” in their site. This will spread your advertisement over the web at the same time increase your “link popularity”. 2. Publish ezine articles. Affix your byline or resource box to your articles then publish and distribute in your “ezine”. Announce that your articles can be republished if your subscribers will publish your “resource box”. Aside from the fact that this will spread your advertisement as well as increase link popularity, this can also improve your “page rank”. 3. Offer PLR articles as free bonuses. This will increase your products’ perceived value and encourage prospects purchase your products. 4. Offer PLR articles as bonuses for opt-in list. It will entice visitors to sign up for your email list. 5. Create your very own original info-products. Modify or rewrite the articles so to create a completely different article, include yourself as the author. 6. Create completely new articles to submit to ezine “article directories”. “free article directories”. 7. Create and then trade your content with different websites. Affix your byline or resource box and then trade them with many high traffic sites. 8. Make articles out of your PLR articles and then promote other person’s products. Affix your byline or resource box to promote an “affiliate program”. 9. Make promotional content for your “affiliates”. With your byline or resource box, permit your “affiliates” to incorporate their “affiliate link” to your articles. 10. Construct whole new original info-products then sell also resale rights. Almost all PLR packages are controlled to only a certain quantity of buyers; so there is no worry that 'your' material will show up 3 million times over on Google. Having the authority to rewrite, modify or alter the PLR articles indicate that your article is entirely different from everyone else’s who purchases and repackages that same article or material. Before purchasing any PLR package, carefully read and understand the terms and make certain that you will have authority to rewrite, alter, delete or cut the content in whatever way you want it and affix your name unto your new article. Childrens books - how to get them reading and loving it?
There is an old proverb that is applicable in many life situations, none more so than this - "if you give a man a fish, he can feed his family for a day - but if you teach that man to fish, he can feed them all their lives.." (anon) The same can be said for reading.. just giving a child a book might engender a love of reading, but working at it and teaching your child that reading is fun and worthy, can make them an avid book reader for life. One post that I recently read, told of a man who got his little baby boy reading while in the cot. Got the child into such a routine that the baby demanded a book every morning. What a gift! "... Research has proven, time and again, that reading is the key to success. It is a skill that crosses all barriers: economic, religious, ethnic and social. It requires little, if any, financial investment since public libraries are free to use...." [] If you want a smart society, then make people smart. Teach children the joy of getting lost in a book, a great story. It doesn't matter if you are six or sixty six. I have struggled with my own kids to get their heads out of the smartphone or the tablet, and have had limited success. Fortunately, now they are writing songs, so at least some literary effort is being made. So, I would like to suggest that it is up to our generation - (I am a baby boomer) - to generate younger peoples' interest in reading. When I was a young Naval officer, I spent many years away from home - no internet, no smartphones, not much in the way of TV or movies at sea, so, naturally you read - the Navy has a nickname for everything - a good story was a "dit" - various types of dits - 'warries', 'cowdy's' 'detective dits' - probably the most prominent - sometimes a biography or an autobiography, but anything you can read reasonably quickly from your bunk in your limited downtime (not forgetting of course, those highly literary articles that were the only reason we read "Playboy"). Well, it was more or less words on paper so that probably qualified. But I digress. Thousands of new books published every day - how to read them all? Who cares, you can never eat at every restaurant either, but you can have a good, old-fashioned go at it. There is a finite number of letters in our alphabet, and virtually a finite number of words in our vocabulary, so, in theory you could say that there must be a finite limit to the number of books that can be written. Who, in their right mind, would believe that? They say that if you put ten thousand monkeys in a room, each with a word processor, for a long period of time, then, statistically, one of them could write "War and Peace" - I'd like to see that. The human brain is not a logic super computer that works purely on statistical theory. The synapses of our brain don't work on pure logic, and thank goodness. It is this absolute wonder of the human psyche that we need to impart to our children. Whatever intellectual stimulation we dish up they will soak up. Happily, we are seeing a great new trend of people writing more childrens' books - it may be that that is because it is a relatively simple genre to write and is a vehicle that is loved and for which there is huge demand on the newer platforms like Amazon and the like. Whatever the explanation, it seems that the Gen X and now Gen Y parents seem to be adopting it as they are the generations that grew up with social media and electronic platforms and are now seeing that it is important to start their offspring on the right path. If that engenders a love of reading in the coming generations, I will be their greatest admirer. Kids are our future. Let's get them ready for it with the best start we can. Recently I set out to do some freelance writing. I wanted to do it because (a) writing is my hobby and I am good at it and (b) to make some money.
So you join up with a freelancing site and register your profile, and one of the first things that you notice is that there are a lot of people registered as writers, from countries where English is not the native language. So, naturally, I see an advantage. I put into my profile that English is my native language and I have been writing it for a long time. Not too long into my newfound career I picked up a couple of jobs to write on various subjects such as doing business in foreign couintries and an article on renewable energy, which I assume was part of a much larger work, and I was being given the job to write as a sub-contractor. No problems there. So, off I go. I wrote the introduction free-hand (about 2,500 words). Completely unique content. Then for the technical material, clearly I consulted country guides and technical guides. This is where it begins to come unstuck, because obviously, when researching, you are going to have to use technical phrases, and if you use someone else's work you attribute it. Personally, I like to use detailed footnotes, but my employer wanted end-notes - no problem. Then I discovered something that I have never needed before, nor come across in my writiing life - PLAGIARISM CHECKERS - tons of them! I have been writing legal, business, trade and technical papers, opinions and advices for well over forty years, virtually on a daily basis and this has opened my eyes. It seems that there is a thriving industry out there of people who will cheat on your behalf, and there is an equally thriving nest of software developers who develop anti-cheating software such as TURNITIN, PC CHECKER, GRAMMARLY and many more, both free and paid versions. Sites such as
An absolute eye-opener! I work through a legitimate freelancing platform. You post your qualifications, take some tests to raise your rankings and all communications is done via their chat bot. However, and naively at first, I learned the hard way how not to get paid. So called "employers" find you on the freelancing site and immediately ask you to communicate outside of the freelance platform on Skype or What's App. Basically, if you fall for that you are likely to do a whole lot of work for no pay. Of course, there is always the sweeterner that "...we have a great team of writers and there will be plenty of ongoing work..". Don't fall for it! I was astounded by the number of people who contacted me to write assignments, and moot papers and basically to cheat for them. I cottoned on to that pretty quickly. Anyway, I digress! So, even though I am prepared to edit some of the material and do a bit of para-phrasing now and then, my unique content is just that - UNIQUE!- and my borrowed content is that which I borrow for the purposes of "fair dealing" and I ensure that I properly atttribute it and do not use huge slabs of other peoples' text, but that was not good enough for my employer, so I decided to invest in some paid Anti-Plagiarism software and I was horrified because my employer (from the Indian continent) would not accept anything other than 100% unique content!, despite the fact that I tried to explain that when doing research that is not the case. Imagine writing a legal opinion and having to quote great slabs of law from cases and statutes only to have your employer tell you that it is plagiarism!! Ludicrous, and even more so when they are simply not understanding the concepts and asking for continual re-writes. Even my professionalism backed up at that point, and I reminded my employer that the project was worth pennies and I was losing money. So, after running it through 3 different plagiarism checkers, I gave up and submitted copy that was apparently 10% plagiarism. The irony is that many of the original phrases that I had written free-hand (straight out of my visceral armoury) were classed as "duplicate content"- imagine that - writing something like "solar energy is produced by the heat of the sun"- not particularly earth shattering, but good old plagiarism checker wants me to know that it is not UNIQUE - as if I didn't already know that. So, I politely thanked my employer and reminded her that I no longer wanted to write for an audience of ONE - by that I mean Mr Google and his algorithms. I prefer to write for people who appreciate my work. Now think about the logic behind this. If you take logical or authoritative writing and rewrite it so that no plagiarism checker can pick up any duplication at all, there is a very good chance that you have bastardised or "dumbed down" the work so much that it is very likely useless and, ironically, if you are going to take someone else's words and twist them into "uniqueness", then how morally honest is that anyway? So that was a worthwhile experience and I will keep doing it, but not for people who only want me to write for their Plagiarism checker. It's a new world out there, folks and the internet never ceases to fascinate me. You can still teach this old dog new tricks (attributed to Anon)! Postscript: I ran this essay, which was written totally in freehand without reference to any source, through one of my plagiarism checkers and achieved a score of 100% , I am happy to say.from Duplichecker.... however, then I ran it through the dreaded PC X Checker and it turns out that my original thoughts are the same as 5 other peoples:
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