Author, Blogger, Consultant, Lawyer, e-trader,
Author, Blogger, Consultant, Lawyer, e-trader,
do you or your loved ones have a good will?I was asked today, on a neighbourhood site, about Wills.
Now, I haven' been in private practice for a number of years but I always enjoyed that part of my practice. Mainly, because it came easy and I was good at it, but also because it was one of those facets of the practice of law that everybody truly needed. So, when I answered the enquiry today, online, I realised just how much people need to have a Will and to plan their affairs, but more importantly how daunting or how much of a mystery it might be to many people. Now, I am sure that many of my age group have that aspect of life covered but do their kids and families? So, of course it is always a good time to re-visit the subject. So here is the article that I re-wrote tonight.... YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT HERE Give a Child a Book .. Encourage Them to Love Their Reading and to Love Their BooksChildrens books - how to get them reading and loving it? ...There is an old proverb that is applicable in many life situations, none more so than this - Read More .....
My Published Books
We have done it, folks. The new book is now live at Smashwords - You can also find it in our BOOKSHOP online Please check us out and if you would like to leave a review, we will be happy to send you a free copy of the manuscript. JUST CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE HAPPY TO WRITE A REVIEW What is the book about? it is a work for new exporters and importers who want to do business in those romantic, remote parts of the world, and make their fortune - so, as one with experience in this field, I can tell you that you can lose your shirt if you don't approach it from the right angle and my mantra is: .." don't know what you don't know.." So please check us out - This is where we teach you to find out what you don't know, and unlock the secrets of trading to make you a profitable and wealthy entrepreneur. ...WANT A FREE COPY? ARE YOU PREPARED TO WRITE US A REVIEW?